فدرالية الوكالات الحضرية بالمغرب

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Participation of MAJAL at SEN HABITAT, Dakar 2017

The Federation of Urban Agencies of Morocco, MAJAL, participates from 10 to 12 October 2017 in the 2nd edition of the International Housing Fair of Senegal "SENHABITAT DAKAR 2017".

This exhibition, under the His Excellency Mr. Macky SALL, President of the Republic of Senegal is held under the theme: "The social housing in the context of the new urban agenda: what levers acceleration?".

All sectors of housing, construction and interior design in Senegal and West Africa are represented, within the trade exhibition, as well as workshops and conferences, gathering stakeholders of the public and private sectors.

The Kingdom of Morocco is the host country of this edition and participates in a dedicated pavilion grouping the main actors of the sector in our country.

This participation along with a strong delegation from the Ministry of Territory Planning, Urbanism, Housing and City Policy intervenes on the eve of the organization by MAJAL of the 6th national meeting of the Urban Agencies which will be organized on December 4th and 5th, 2017 in Rabat and will be placed this year under the African flag. It is part of MAJAL's policy of strengthening the partnership with similar institutions at the international level and particularly at the African level according to the high royal instructions concerning the development of cooperation.