فدرالية الوكالات الحضرية بالمغرب

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On the tracks of eco-responsible practices and know-how: traditional architecture and urbanism in Morocco

As part of the implementation of its 2016 action plan, and in line with Morocco's efforts in the field of sustainable development and the fight against the effects of climate change.

In preparation for the COP 22, held in Marrakech from 7 to 18 November 2016, MAJAL prepared a book entitled "Traces of eco-responsible practices and know-how: traditional architecture and urbanism in Morocco".

This book, labeled COP22, and realized thanks to the support of the Urban Agencies, aims to bring the general public closer to good practices of sustainability in architecture and traditional urbanism in Morocco. In this way, MAJAL aims, through this action to highlight and make use of the old know-how in architecture and urban planning, that it is appropriate today to reflect on the lessons learned, to extend them and adapt them to the current context .